Speak to any floral designer, vendor, farmer or commercial grower out there and you'll find a community of creative, talented, hard working people that work together to make the world a more beautiful place.
We appreciate the endless gifts of Nature. We work tireless hours, often sleeping at our shops to get orders out on a holiday. We come in at 4 in the morning to unload trucks in our warehouses. We obsess over the timing of our crops, invent new varieties of flowers and have sleepless nights worrying about harvesting at the perfect time. We work endless hours to find the freshest products and create dream weddings for our brides. We help daughters and sons, new dads and grandparents make moms feel that special love and appreciation on Mother's Day. We help families celebrate the memory of their loved ones and give comfort to those who are saddened by loss. We make employees at companies happy to walk into their offices the Monday after Thanksgiving and feel the joy of the holiday season starting to unfold. We help deliver millions of roses on Valentine's Day, making husbands, and lovers heroes by keeping romance alive.
Somehow - even with all our long, hard days, with our aching backs, swollen feet, and bleary eyes, we all push on. We all stretch for that last bit of creativity and energy to make someone happy. We can't give up on our passion. It's in our blood. Flowers give us hope. They make us feel renewed and happy.
We have all experienced anxiety, stress and restless nights of worry over the past few weeks. These next few weeks will be our biggest challenge yet for all of us in this business, but we can't give up hope.
This will pass and we will all be okay if we support one another. By talking with each other and keeping our hopes up we will survive. We are all here for each other and we will get through this together.
"Where flowers bloom, so does hope"
- Lady Bird Johnson
