Across the country, June remains the most popular month for weddings, followed by September and October. The tradition dates back to the the Roman goddess, Juno, who is associated with love, marriage, and childbirth. It was thought that couples who tied the knot during this month would be bestowed with prosperity, happiness, and fertility throughout their marriage. The longer days, warmer weather, and blooming flowers create an idyllic backdrop for celebrating love and union.
Following June and September, October weddings are plentiful in New England and Columbus Day weekend is by far the most popular weekend to get tie the knot in New England. It's all about the colors and mild weather. By mid-October Mother Nature conducts it's final symphony before the colder months leave the trees barren.

By early October farm stands pop up everywhere with colorful pumpkins, mums and gourds. Floral displays seem to burst at the seams with red, orange, yellow, deep purple and burgundy palettes.
From soft beige to black burgundy - there's no shortage of blooms to use for weddings during the Fall and designers aren't limited to traditional colors. Autumn flowers are in abundance from late August until the early frost. Local floral choices like zinnia, dahlia, celosia, berries, chocolate cosmos, thistle, ageratum, rudbeckia, sunflowers, marigolds, and mums provide an endless source of inspiration.
Here's a few ideas for your next October wedding:
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
Albert Camus