The start of Spring this year conjured up the saying "In like a lion, out like a lamb". According to the Farmers' Almanac, if March weather starts out bad (roaring like a lion), it will end good (gentle like a lamb). We were spoiled by the mild winter, only to be hit with unexpected snow at the start of March. Let's hope the snow, sleet and cold weather are behind us and we can look forward to warmer days and signs of a new equinox.
Spring always excites my senses and makes me happy. It marks the beginning of the growing season here in Connecticut. Once I see the snow drops and crocuses pop up in my garden, I know the daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips aren't far behind. As the trees bud and all the blossoms awaken with color, it's like a well orchestrated symphony throughout the coming months. It starts in March with the snow drops and ends in in late Fall with the finale of chrysanthemums.
Take time to get outdoors this season and enjoy all the colors that are about to unfold. You're senses will thank you and your mood will lighten. There is nothing like Spring to give you a sense of hope and renewal.
"Happiness? The color of it must be spring green."
Frances Mayes