Every year I adorn my front steps with pumpkins the first weekend in October and keep them out until Thanksgiving weekend. I try not to do winter decorating until Thanksgiving is over, because I like to hang on to the feeling of Fall as long as I can. Thanksgiving always gets the short stick on decorating. It's dwarfed by Halloween and forgotten by December 1st.
Gone are the days of just traditional orange pumpkins. Now there are all kinds of varieties and the choices seem to grow (literally) every year. This year I decorated inside with small white pumpkins, green gourds and pinecones, to give me a little time to transition into the holiday decorating.
Outside I decorated with green, white and blue toned pumpkins of all sizes. In my usual frenzy, it's always hard to choose with so many varieties out there - so I pace myself (almost) by choosing a color scheme each year and sticking to it.
There are giant varieties like Big Moon, Prizewinner and Big Giant, traditional oranges and reds like Cinderella and Lakota, Autumn Gold, Sugar and Turbans, pink ones like Porcelain Dolls, blue ones like Blue Lakota, Kabocha and Jarrahdale, or white ones like Baby Boos (my personal favorite) and Valencias. The list is endless and every year there's a variety I haven't seen before. This year I noticed some buttery yellow varieties - I bought a few, of course!
Once I get a color scheme down, I carve a few of my pumpkins out, pot them with plants or a flower arrangement, and use them around the house or on the Thanksgiving table. Whether you're style is traditional, bohemian, or modern chic, there's a pumpkin that can match your theme, if you chose the right variety and materials.
Photos from Pinterest
Linus: "You don't believe the story of the Great Pumpkin? I thought little girls always believed everything that was told to them. I thought little girls were innocent and trusting."
Sally: "Welcome to the 20th Century!"
- From Charlie Brown "It's the Great Pumpkin"